Girls on the Run, a non-profit with the mission to use the power of running to educate and prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living, is looking for Running Buddies to help to accompany, encourage and mentor young girls across the finish line of their first 5K.
It's not a big time commitment (one practice 5K plus the "graduation event" 5K on May 21), but it makes a big difference.
The 5K is the culmination of the Girls on the Run 10 week character building program for 8 - 11 year old girls. There are lessons on subjects such as nutrition, cooperation with others, consequences of bullying and gossiping, individual values and choices, community service, along with training to run their first 5k).
If you are interested, you can get more info at or contact Chelsea Jander, Running Buddy Coordinator at or 206-528-2118.