the c-city runners

an uber groovy running club for columbia city residents and their friends

Hey Gang -

I was hoping we could do the furry 5K as a group (with kids and dogs and the whole kit and ka-poodle). What do you think? Are people up for it?

The run is on June 8th, 10:00 am at Seward Park. Could be fun!!! More info here:


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i am totally down and i know mister tim browne is, too!
Hi gang -

If you register for the furry 5K online, you must go through the site (you can get there through the furry 5k site). I have created a group for us called "Columbia City Runners" (catchy, huh)? So, if you register, be sure to register as part of our group. You'll need the secret password - it is ccrunner - or it might be ccrunners - I'm tired, I can't remember what I wrote.

Anyway, hope you'll join us!
Hey Gang -

Hope we'll see a bunch of you at the furry 5k tomorrow! Let's meet at say, 9:45 am by the life gaurd chair (near the beach, not far from the start).

Looks like you can register onsite tomorrow as late as 9:45 - and don't feel like you MUST bring a dog. It is just good fun. Details below:

The Seattle Animal Shelter is pleased to present the 9th Annual Furry 5K Fun Run and Walk! The race, which will take place in Seattle's Seward Park on Sunday, June 8, 2008, raises money for the Help the Animals Fund. Join the fun as thousands of people run and walk, with their friends, families, kids and of course their dogs, in order to raise money for injured and abused orphaned animals.

Sunday, June 8, 2008 in Seattle’s Seward Park

* 8:15 - 9:45 AM Day-of-Race Registration Race Packet and T-shirt Pick-up
* 9:00 AM Pet Product Expo opens (South Lawn)
* 10:00 AM Runners Start (timed)
* 10:10 AM Walkers Start
* 11:15 AM Awards Ceremony

The Furry 5k raises money for the Help the Animals Fund, which provides veterinary care and supplies for sick, injured or abused orphaned shelter animals. The Seattle Animal Shelter takes in nearly 8,000 animals annually. Of those, many receive the lifesaving care they need thanks to the generous donations of individuals and companies. The HTAF is an integral part of saving lives – with annual veterinary expenses of approximately $100,000, every dollar raised counts!



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